Old pre-releases are listed below for historical reference. For official releases see the releases page.
RC2 for Wayland and Weston was released on May 26, 2015. This is the second release candidate for 1.8.
RC1 for Wayland and Weston was released on May 15, 2015. This is the first release candidate for 1.8.
RC1 for Wayland and Weston was released on May 7, 2015. This is the alpha for 1.8.
The 1.6.93 version of Wayland and Weston was released on February 6, 2015. This is the second and final release candidate for 1.7.
The 1.6.92 version of Wayland and Weston was released on February 2, 2015. This is the first release candidate for 1.7.
The 1.6.1 stable version of Wayland and Weston focuses on bug-fixes. It was released on January 23, 2015.
The 1.6.91 version of Wayland and Weston was released on January 16th, 2014. This is an alpha release for 1.7.
The 1.5.93 version of Wayland and Weston was released on September 12th, 2014. This is the second and last release candidate for 1.6. Release announcement.
The 1.5.92 version of Wayland and Weston was released on September 5th, 2014. This is the first release candidate for 1.6. Release announcement.
The 1.5.91 version of Wayland and Weston was released on August 22nd, 2014. This release is an alpha release for 1.6. Release announcement.
The 1.4.93 version of Wayland and Weston was released on May 12th, 2014. This is the second and last release candidate for 1.5. Release announcement.
The 1.4.92 version of Wayland and Weston was released on May 1st, 2014. This is the first release candidate for 1.5. Release announcement.
The 1.3.93 version of Wayland and Weston was released on January 19th, 2014. This release is the release candidate for 1.4 Release announcement.
The 1.3.91 version of Wayland and Weston was released on December 16th, 2013. This release is an alpha release for 1.4 Release announcement.
The 1.2.92 version of Wayland and Weston is release candidate 2 for 1.3, released on October 2nd, 2013. Release announcement.
The 1.2.91 version of Wayland and Weston is a release candidate for 1.3, released on September 22nd, 2013. Release announcement.
The 1.1.91 version of Weston and Wayland were released on July 9th, 2013. The 1.1.91 release is the release candidate for the 1.2 release. Release announcement.
The 1.0.90 versions of Wayland and Weston were released on April 8th, 2013. The 1.0.90 releases are release candidate 1 for the upcoming 1.1 release. Release announcement.